Musha> Products> Kunze kweWicker Sofa fenicha> Sofas fenicha> Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design
Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design
Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design
Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design
Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design
Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design
Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design

Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design

Get Latest Price
Mutero Wechibharo:T/T
Min. Raira:20 Set/Sets
Chigadzirwa Unhu

Muenzaniso Nha.PU01

Kavha & Dhirivhari
Kutengesa Units : Set/Sets
Package Rudzi : mabhokisi ane kona protecter
Product Description

Yakakura kunze kwekunze fenicha polyurethane foam Mafashoni mafashoni

Kubva pakugadzira, ukuru hwechimiro uye ruvara rwemavara anoona, nyanzvi yehunyanzvi timu kuburikidza nekugadzirira basa remusangano, CNC lathe kucheka, ine hukama hwepakati yekugadzirisa zvinhu, nhanho nedanho rakasimba kudzora mhando kune zvigadzirwa zvekupedzisira zvakapetwa, kuve nechokwadi chekuti chimwe nechimwe chigadzirwa imba yemhizha. a

Foam yakafukidzwa fenicha yakagadzirwa nematatu matatu; polyurethane primer, polyurethane reactionor (A / B), uye jasi remavara. Iyo yekupedzisira chigadzirwa yakatarwa kune hightraffic nzvimbo uye ndeye 100% isina mvura - shandisa iyo mukati kana kunze!

new product

Chigadzirwa Tsanangudzo

Ita shuwa kuti foam yakachena kuti utange ne3 layer coating. Chekutanga layer ndiyo iyo yekutanga iyo inopa kuomerera kune iyo foam uye yakavhara males. Yechipiri dura imhando yepamusoro yePU layer inopa simba kune iyo coating.

Yekupedzisira musana ndiyo yakapfava kubata topcoat / ruvara rusununguko. Uku kukwirira kunoporesa usiku uye vakagadzirira kutumira zuva rinotevera.


water proof

anti UV

3 years warranty

Zvimiro zveMaficha

furniture features1,2 (1)

furniture features1,2 (2)

1. Density of foam: 35 ~ 65KG / m3

Chiyero che ILD: 65

Elongation: 518%

Inotakura mutoro: 350lbs

2. PU layer iri yakachengeteka, nharaunda-inoshamwaridzika, ine ruvara, UV-inodzivirira, inoshandiswa kune zvese mukati nekunze. Wese mavara ePANTONE anowanikwa sarudzo.

3. Yakasarudzika mushure-yekushandira: makore gumi nemaviri ebasa rekusimbisa, uye isu tinokwanisa kuchinja kunongedza kwechigadzirwa maererano nezvinodiwa nevatengi.






Kugara uchichenesa kunodiwa kuti chigadzirwa chako chigare zvakanaka. Shandisa mvura inodziya neyekunyorova kabhoni uye machira ekotoni.

Iyo yakakosha yakasarudzika yekuchenesa yekuchengetedza uye kuchengetedza chigadzirwa chako chitsva.
Kushambidza kwevhiki kunodiwa kuti chigadzirwa chako chigare chakachena uye kudzivirira kusvitsa
Chengetedza chengetedza fenicha yako mukati uye yakaoma pakaoma.


Why do we choose Golden Eagle?

We are the most professional outdoor furniture manufacturer inChina.

We are in outdoor furniture more than 6 years.

We have professional sale team to offer you best service.

We have designer team to design new furniture/month.

How to order?

1.Send Inquiry of the model and qty you want, get latest price.

2.Confirm the order details and then confirm the PI.

3.Arrange the deposit, and then start production.

4.Keep you posted the order status and finish them in four weeks.


By Sea or by air for sample


T/T,30% deposit and the balance clear before shipment, LC,OA is also available.


40HQ that you can mix 5 different items.


2-3 years start from you receive the   furniture

Musha> Products> Kunze kweWicker Sofa fenicha> Sofas fenicha> Yepamusoro yekupedzisira Kunze Kwekunze Ificha Polyurethane Foam Fashion Design
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